Wednesday, 28 February 2018



A hot oil massage or Abhyanga treatment, a form of Ayurvedic massage involving specially formulated warmed herbal oils, is said to be the ultimate way to restore balance and completely relax the body. Nourishing and revitalising, Abhyanga hot oil massage helps pacify the three doshas or ‘bioenergies’ within the body. This in turn encourages the release of toxins from deep within the tissue and the GI tract so that it can be efficiently eliminated.
This form of massage helps promote the elimination of toxins while enhancing circulation and blood flow. Other benefits include: Improved muscle tone Triggering of the creative mind Relaxes body and mind Prevention of circulation imbalance Promotes youthfulness and vitality Rejuvenates the skin Increases stamina Promotes deep and restful sleep
Are looking for relaxation massage in Dubai for low price? Then book this massage therapy deals and treat yourself with Swedish or hot oil massages at Soft Therapy Hot oil massage is used to loosen and release internal impurities, which are then flushed out and eliminated through urinary and digestive tracts.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018



Spa facilities

Our spa facilities are unique, beautiful and naturally inspired. We have indoor and outdoor spa areas (open all year round). Read on to find out about what we have on offer:

Outdoor Hot Tub

Soak yourself into open-air bliss.
Bathing outdoors in gorgeously bubbly hot water, feeling the fresh air on your face and hearing the sounds of the garden and the songs of the birds as you gaze into the sky – what could be more peaceful and relaxing?

Monday, 26 February 2018



The Yoga complex which I recommend for strengthening your immune system should not replace your regular practice but make a useful addition to it during cold season. Or if your immune system is compromised, you may talk to your doctor about practicing Immune Power Yoga on a regular basis, year round. Immune Power Yoga can be used as a prevention of cold and flu as well as a part of a treatment if you’re already sick (with the permission of your doctor of course). You may use Immune Power Yoga for any condition which requires a strong immune system to feel well (with the permission of your doctor). If you have an autoimmune condition you MUST consult with your doctor because there is a chance you should not practice this yoga complex.
A few warnings: You have to go through a basic warm-up before practicing Immune Power Yoga. It is advised to include lymphatic system waking-up and “1001 movements” in your warm-up. All breathing techniques must be practiced while counting your heartbeats, not just counting. If you feel pain, discomfort, light headedness or dizziness please stop your practice and consult with your doctor. To avoid feeling dizzy or light headed consider doing Shavasana in between exercises or whenever you may feel it necessary.
So, to make your immune system really strong, let’s perform the following complex:
  1. Full Yogi Breathing (3 phase breathing) 3 or 5 or 7 times, depending on how advanced you are. This will prepare you for advanced breathing practices.
  2. HA breathing in standing position with visualization. 3 or 5 or 7 times. This will provide emotional cleansing and general detox.
  3. Bhastrika breathing. 3 times with Full Yogi Breathing after each Bhastrika. This will provide detox and strengthening of your respiratory system as well as a powerful stimulation of your immune system in general.
  4. Chest drum. This is the technique when you hold your breath for 7 to 14 heartbeats after 3 phase inhalation. While holding your breath, drum on the mid sternum with the right fist. Than make 3 phase exhalation. Repeat 3 or 5 or 7 times. This is thymus gland activation.
  5. Kapalabhati or Fire Breath. 3 series of 10 or 20 or 30 fire breaths with 3 phase yogi breathing after each series.
  6. Lion’s pose from the Diamond position. 3 phase inhalation. Make sure to stick your tongue out and down on holding your breath after 3 phase exhalation and press your wrists against your knees so all the muscles of your torso are forced to tense up. Eyes are looking up! Hold for 7 or 14 heartbeats. Repeat 3 times.
  7. Diamond meditation in Diamond position. Visualize (if you can’t visualize; conceptualize) yourself as a beautiful Diamond under the sun collecting solar energy with 3 phase yogi breathing. 3 or 5 or 7 yogi breathings.
  8. Shavasana.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Do You Think You Have or Had the FLU? Think Again! | THAI PROFESSTIONAL BEST MASSAGE IN DETROIT HOUSE MOTOR CITY | ☎ +971551678085

Do You Think You Have or Had the FLU? Think Again! | THAI PROFESSTIONAL BEST MASSAGE IN DETROIT HOUSE MOTOR CITY | ☎ +971551678085

Do you know people who don’t get sick without any vaccination? I do. And what do they mean the symptoms are not that severe? Again, I know a lot of people (who are not vaccinated) who get sick, but not as badly as others. So, how effective is flu vaccine then?
There are 3 types of influenza virus: Influenzavirus A, Influenzavirus B, and Influenzavirus C—all of which can mutate very quickly. So if a person was vaccinated with the predicted strains of the virus, what might happen is: the prediction is not accurate enough, or 2 weeks after vaccination all 3 strain types could mutate.
Let’s imagine the best possible scenario: The strains of the virus were predicted with amazing accuracy and all 3 types of Influenza viruses have not mutated yet. Is a vaccinated person protected from the symptoms of the flu? The cold truth is that “flu symptoms” can be caused by a large range of the viruses, such as the coronavirus, the human respiratory syncytial virus, the metapneumovirus, human parainfluenza virus, the picornavirus, the adenovirus, etc. Let me also mention that the coronovirus alone has 99 known (!) stereotypes. The adenovirus has over 50 (!) known (!) stereotypes. Oh… and did I mention that symptoms can be caused by a combination of several viruses as well? Is it any wonder that vaccinated people still develop flu symptoms?
There is no real treatment for the viruses I mentioned above from mainstream medicine. And don’t look to antibiotics. They are prescribed frequently but they don’t treat viral infections. So what can we do? The best answer is to make your immune system stronger! That is a discussion for our next article.

Thursday, 22 February 2018



How safe is it?
Coffee has been Reported to be an analgesic, an aphrodisiac, anorexic, antidotal, cardio tonic, CNS-stimulant, counterirritant, diuretic, hypnotic, lactagogue, nervine, and stimulant. Coffee is a folk remedy for asthma, atropine poisoning, fever, flu, headache, jaundice, malaria, migraine, narcosis, nephrosis, opium poisoning, sores, and vertigo. What's more, research has shown that there are four times the amount of anti-oxidants in coffee than in green tea, that coffee is an excellent anti-depressant and an effective performance and memory enhancer. There are many studies which prove the unti-canceroce effect of coffee.
Sounds pretty good. But let's remember that coffee is a powerful plant. And, as any other powerful plant, coffee has to be used carefully and with caution. As we mentioned in the article on Healthy Diet Guidelines, coffee increases blood acidity. Overused, it could over-stimulate the nervous system, which could trigger many other problems and even create an addiction. Purdue University pharmacologist Dr. Tyler (1982) cites "some evidence linking coffee and cancer of the pancreas." " large amounts produces many undesirable side effects--from nervousness and insomnia to rapid and irregular heartbeats, elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels, excess stomach acid, and heartburn. It is definitely a teratogen in rats." Michael Jacobson cites numerous studies on pregnant animals and humans in which the equivalent of 3-4 daily cups of coffee caused birth defects such as cleft palate and missing bones (Washington Star, December 20, 1978).
We do not recommend coffee if you have serious health conditions such as cancer, acute inflammation, hyperacidity, irregular heart beat, or high blood pressure. In such cases, we recommend that you consult with your physician.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018



On our way to good health, it is important to monitor our progress. In the article, Healthy Diet Guidelines, we have urine_testdescribed several monitoring techniques, such as monitoring sensations after meals or the condition of your nails. Here we would like to discuss another very important technique - monitoring your urine acidity.
The most important indicator of health is good condition of the blood. Especially important is a good acid/alkaline balance. Because urine acidity has a direct correlation to the acidity of the blood, as well as to how balanced the work of your kidneys is, it is a good idea to monitor your urine acidity on a weekly, or even daily basis, if you feel the need. This test is very simple and very informative, and can be preformed for the simple cost of pH-paper, available for purchase from Institute of Russian Healing Arts, or your favorite health food store.
A long-term misbalance of blood acidity may lead to minor or major heath conditions. Knowing whether or not you have a chemical misbalance is the first step to restoring it with the help of healthy eating habits, Herbology, Homeopathy or other techniques!
Please be advised that we recommend this test as a monitoring procedure only. It should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any disease. If you have any questions, please, contact your doctor.
To monitor your urine you should be without food, or food products for a period of at least three hours. It is OK to drink water during this period. Take a piece of pH paper and insert it into urine. After a few moments, the paper will change color. Please, mach the paper to the colors and numbers on the chart on the container.
A good, healthy reading is green colored, (6.4 on the scale). This reading shows a balanced body chemistry. Dark blues indicate that your system is too alkaline. Bright orange-yellows indicate, that your system is too acid.
In most cases, the last two situations suggest that you may need a correction of your eating habits. Please, do not panic, since very often a urine test will show acid results. You may find helpful hints in the article on Healthy Diet Guidelines. If this does not meet your needs, it may be a good idea to see Dmitriy, or another health practitioner you trust.
Thank you and Good Health! Contact US

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Introduction to Homeopathic Treatment | THAI PROFESSTIONAL BEST MASSAGE IN DETROIT HOUSE MOTOR CITY | ☎ +971551678085

Introduction to Homeopathic Treatment | THAI PROFESSTIONAL BEST MASSAGE IN DETROIT HOUSE MOTOR CITY | ☎ +971551678085

Homeopathy (From Greek Homos- similar, Pathos- disease) is a natural science of healing that uses various plant, mineral, or animal substances in very small dosages to activate a person's natural defense mechanism. One of the major principles of Homeopathy is "like treats like." In order to heal, Homeopathic remedies are individually chosen for there ability to create a resonance with the particular spectrum of symptoms the person is experiencing.
The principal of Homeopathy was known since ancient times and was used by Hypocrites (4th century B.C.) and Paracelsus (15th century) and is even used today by conventional medicine as an immunization process. The German physician Samuel Hahnemann developed the foundation of Homeopathy in the 18th century in his revolutionary work "Organon of Practical Medicine," first edition of which was published in 1810. The fundamental idea of Dr. Hahnemann is the principal of similarity, to use substances in minute quantities to treat the same symptoms and disorders that these substances cause when in toxic dosages. As an example, an onion can cause mucous membrane irritation, runny nose and tearing, but as a homeopathic remedy it is used to treat the symptoms of hey fever, which are very similar in nature. Likewise, a preparation made out of a honeybee works great for bee stings.
Through continuous experimentation, first on himself, then on many of his followers, Dr. Hahnemann continued to dilute substances until he discovered super low dosages. The Russian pharmacologist, N.P. Kravkov, (works of 1924 and 1933), discovered that strongly diluted substances, where only one molecule can be found in a gallon of liquid, have strong effect on live protoplasm.


Monday, 19 February 2018

Facts You Need to Know Before Receiving Russian Massage | THAI PROFESSTIONAL BEST MASSAGE IN DETROIT HOUSE MOTOR CITY | ☎ +971551678085

Facts You Need to Know Before Receiving Russian Massage | THAI PROFESSTIONAL BEST MASSAGE IN DETROIT HOUSE MOTOR CITY | ☎  +971551678085

Russian Massage has become a legendary technique in the United States. What is the reason for this? What is Russian Massage? Why should you (or should you not) choose it as your massage treatment? All of these questions I hear almost every day for the past 20 years of my practice. This article will help you to understand what Russian Massage is about.
One of the most difficult tasks is to define what Russian Massage in United States is. I have been living in this country for over 17 years and have seen a lot of massage therapists practicing “Russian Massage”. Also there is a number of massage schools teaching “Russian Massage Technique”. I was shocked to see such a variety of completely different techniques, all calling themselves “Russian Massage”. There is a reason for this diverse proliferation...
The truth is there is no such term as “Russian Massage” in Russia! Searching through numerous Russian books on the subject of massage therapy you can find an unimaginable number of different massage techniques and a substantial variety of their combinations. Each of these systems has a specific name. For example: “Connective Tissue Massage”, “Classical Massage”, “Body Reflexology Massage”, “Point Massage” and so on. Also there are many techniques and systems, which are not described in the literature at all, due to communist regime prohibitions back in the day.
Most of the similarities between these different techniques are only in terms of general principles, common and most popular strokes, and the specific approach to safety of massage therapy.
Another factor in defining Russian Massage is its purpose.  Massage therapy in the United States has become almost synonymous with muscular therapy. This is not the case in Russia, where massage therapy is commonly used to treat a great number of aliments, such as asthma, gastritis, Kron’s disease, hypertension, myopia and so on.
To finish my discussion about the “identity crisis” of Russian Massage in the United States, let’s talk about the bio-energy aspects of Russian Massage System. Aside from medical use of Massage Therapy in Russia, there are many practitioners who practice an ancient tradition of bodywork. This includes not only physical but also bio-energy strokes and techniques. This esoteric tradition has been passed down through generations but, of course, was not welcome during the Communist regime. Although massage therapy schools in the United States offer classes on Polarity Therapy and Healing Touch systems they are not really integrated into the system of massage therapy. In Russia bio-energy techniques are often integrated into old tradition massage systems. In my opinion, this is another unique characteristic of the Russian Massage System.
I would, therefore, define Russian Healing Massage as a system of massage therapy integrating massage strokes and techniques as well as bio-energy correction methods originating in Russia, which have been developed since ancient times.This definition gives me the opportunity to appreciate both the medical specialists and the Russian healers while talking about the actual system, rather than about many different techniques practiced in Russia.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Guidelines for a Healthy Diet | THAI PROFESSTIONAL BEST MASSAGE IN DETROIT HOUSE MOTOR CITY | Phone: +971551678085

Guidelines for a Healthy Diet | THAI PROFESSTIONAL BEST MASSAGE IN DETROIT HOUSE MOTOR CITY | Phone: +971551678085

It is crucial to have a good diet, if you want to stay healthy, and is especially important during the process of healing. Your organs and tissues need good nutrition for proper function. Your cells need a balanced supply of building materials.
Please use creativity to balance your diet in your own personal way. This article intends to provide general guidelines ONLY.
First, you must learn how to monitor yourself on the way to a healthy diet. Here are nine major indicators, you should watch for:
  1. Fluctuation of energy before and after a meal. After a meal you should feel energized and in a good mood.
  2. Sensation of heaviness in the head and stomach. This is something that should not happen, especially after meals.
  3. Sour or bitter aftertaste. Determine the cause and alter your diet accordingly.
  4. Heartburn or stomachache. If these occur, determine the cause and alter your diet accordingly.
  5. Your tongue should be nice and clean, free of coating, especially after a meal.
  6. Condition of the skin. In the long run, healthy skin should be free of acne and black heads, young looking and healthy colored (not grayish, greenish or yellowish).
  7. Nails should be healthy and shiny (no polishing), without stripes or white lines and dots.
  8. You should have a bowel movement at least once a day, normal consistency.
  9. Urine should be normal in color (not too dark or reddish), without offensive smell, and have a good PH balance.